Maldives Thulhagiri - Jenkins Point
2017-10-09 11:17:35
Great dives for sting rays! Current can be strong.
Jenkins Point is a long reef inside a channel, about 35 minutes boat ride south-east of Thulhagiri Island.
It is a great dive if you want to have some close encounters with sting rays. Close to the harbour on what is called
Chicken Island, a large number of Jenkins whip rays hang out and look for food. They usually are found gathering in one small sandy area so divers can stay more or less in one place, or hook in if there is current. Simply enjoy the show!
Aside from the many sting rays seen here, this a fantastic dive for the variety of moray eels found hiding under the rocks or along the reef. Jack fish, napoleans and even barracuda also occasionally join the dive.